Here at Appleby Dental, we understand that many people are scared of the dentist and know this fear prevents patients from attending their appointments. If you can relate, we’ve got good news for you! Our clinic provides painless and relaxing dental care, so you no longer have to fear the dentist.

We can discuss sedation dentistry which is ideal for anxious patients. This option will help you get your oral health back on track by allowing you to have a painless dental experience. Your comfort is our priority, and we will do everything we can to ensure you have a positive experience. Dental anxiety and fear are common for many patients; they don’t want you to neglect your teeth because of these concerns.

Sedation dentistry is a game changer, and we will discuss this option so that you are aware of the available medications to help alleviate your fears. We will tell you how you can have a painless dental experience and discuss every detail, including the types of sedation, their administration, and the level of pain control and anxiety relief they provide.

Oral Sedation

This option consists of a pill or liquid taken before your procedure, and these sedatives are often referred to as sleeping pills. You will feel very relaxed and may not even be consciously aware during the treatment. This is considered a more substantial level of sedation, so you would need someone to drive you to and from the dental office. You will also have to rest after your treatment, so the sedative wears off.

This type of sedation is generally recommended for longer or more invasive procedures or for individuals who do not want to be conscious and awake during the treatment.

Inhalation Sedation

Nitrous oxide is used to provide patients with painless dentistry. Once inhaled, you will feel warm or tingling sensations and may feel very sleepy. You will enjoy these pleasant feelings, which is why nitrous oxide is often referred to as laughing gas. The depth of sedation can be altered so the person administering the gas will have control over this aspect. Nitrous oxide works very fast and can reach your brain within 20 seconds. Once the gas supply is stopped, it will be eliminated from your body within a few minutes.

Anxiety should not stop you from achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. If you are a nervous or anxious patient, our team can assist you, so do not hesitate to contact our clinic for more information. Our dentists will look after your gums and teeth to ensure your oral health is not at risk.

Whether you need emergency dental services, teeth whitening, or family dentistry, we can help, so if you are looking for a reputable dentist in Burlington, contact us today!