How Our Addiction to Sugar Affects Our Teeth

How Our Addiction to Sugar Affects Our Teeth

Simply put, sugar is bad for our teeth. The more sugar you consume, the more it will affect your teeth negatively, resulting in painful consequences that are very damaging. The problem is that many of us are addicted to sugar, whether we like to admit it or not. Some...
Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?

Can Chewing Gum Really Clean Your Mouth?

Chewing gum is a habit many of us love and while the gum we like tastes great, can it actually help clean your mouth? It’s natural to assume that gum falls into the same category as candy, which means it’s damaging and harmful to your teeth but the reality is that’s...
Three Dental Health Tips For Teens

Three Dental Health Tips For Teens

Teenagers have a lot on their plates, which can often push their basic dental health needs to the side. Maintaining healthy dental habits may not be one of the top priorities on your list, but it certainly should be! As we age, our gums and teeth are at an increased...